Accounting Integrator

FREE Accounting Integrator for SQL Users!
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Sync your sales to accounting system with just a few clicks.

You can save all the hassle for:


Better sales forecast

Financial / accounting report

Timely submission of SST and income tax

6 Reasons

Why you need Accounting Integrator

Save Cost

Reduce workforce to enter sales order details into accounting software

Reduce Workload

Simply sync your sales into accounting software

Record Keeping

(Duty to keep records)

Better Taxation Management

Now you are able to submit income tax in more timely and accurate manner and less likely to make errors for tax reporting purpose

Inventory Management

Your inventory in accounting system will get updated when marketplace online transaction details is sync over. This will increase accuracy of your stock control between offline and online business

Develop New Revenue Stream

If you are existing accounting system user and thinking of venturing into online business, you may sync your product from accounting system to online marketplaces

See pricing